Dec 28, 2009

Let me introduce myself

Hey there. First of all I want to thank you for coming to my blog and reading about my journey that I am about to take control of. My name is Heather Brown. I am 27 years old. I am an Army Wife and mother of a 4 year old beautiful girl!! I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I have ALWAYS felt like the fat girl around. I didnt realize til about 3 weeks ago when I started going through old photos that I wasnt fat in high school and college. I was in the best shape ever. I played volleyball my whole life and into college. After college I moved to Alaska to be a nanny. That is where I met my husband. He is a Soldier for the US Army. I have come to realize that I have a problem. I have an addiction. Its food. I didnt realize til a few weeks ago that it was ruining everything in my life. I almost gave up on my marriage because I was so unhappy. But not with him, with me. With who I had become. I have been hiding my fears behind all my fat. I have been eating away my sorrows. I have held back from doing so many things because I am afraid of judgement from others. Well guess what, THIS IS ALL ABOUT TO STOP!!! I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have no energy. I always want to sleep. I have a 4 year old who deserves more from me. I have a husband who deserves more from me. I have friends who deserve more from me!! I have yo yo'd with my weight for the last 3 years. I will lose 40 pounds and be feeling great and I will let ONE thing stop me and I start eating again. I can look back and name all of the events.. But I won't. And then before I know it I have gained it all back plus some. What hit me that hardest was the fact that I was 5 pounds away from being where I was when I was 9 months pregnant..... I dont have a baby inside of me and there are NO EXCUSES to what I have become. I felt like I lose it and gain it back so whats the point of losing it again and again....

Well not this time. I am ready to live my life. I am ready to be free. I am ready to let this fear of mine go. I am ready to BE ME! To be the happy, loving, outgoing, friendly Heather that I know I am. No more holding back. I usually quit everything I start... The one thing in life I cannot quit is being a mother to Madison. Everything else I have the choice. But my choice NOW is to make myself a winner! I want to win this battle. It is time......


Karilynn said...

My BIGGEST motivator in losing weight was to JUST FINISH SOMETHING FOR ONCE!!! I must tell you that you probably won't get the support that you are hoping to get from your hubby and friends/family right away. See.. when you spend your whole life starting and never finishing anything.. people lose their faith in your ability to follow through. My husband was TERRIFIED of being overly supportive and then having me fail AGAIN and having words he might have said (like encourageing me to be thin) come back to bite him in the butt as "you even said you'd love me more if I wasn't fat!" Just know that I HAVE BEEN THERE!! I am so willing to help you anyway I can. The girls in this comp are fierce competitors but they are also AMAZING women! Take what you can from us but most importantly, learn to make time for yourself and to really determine what is life and what is really... JUST AN EXCUSE!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY! Commit to just finishing... 5 months.. stick to it... you got this! ;o)

Pitbull said...

I am sooo behind you!!! Loved your post! I can relate...and it feels good seeing that I'm not alone in this journey!!! Looking forward to seeing you at the end of this competition!!! Go girl!!